Monday, 25 July 2011

Research Study

The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological needs of children and adolescents with Eating Disorders (ED) directed towards their mothers. Since its gender specific, only female subjects were recruited for this study. A one message question structured interview was developed which was not jus easy to understand but also helped the patients with ED. The quetionaire started with basic questions about the changes in the attitudes of their mothers or if they are receiving any useful support from their mothers. The interview lasted upto 30 mins and 1 hour with the patient and the mother respectively. Then the recorded interviews were analyzed and patients were grouped into four phases namely anorexic, bulimic, chronic and stable bas on the interview data and typical classification of Eds by S. Murakami. The responses to the OMQ wwere then classified into 7 categories of need directed toward mothers namely, attachment, cooperation in meeting their goals, longing for love, changing attitudes toward family members, respect for self reliance, expression for apology, and expression of appreciation. The research also showed how OMQ structured interview was advantageous. This convenient and simple method, which was quick to use, could also be used to elicit the psychological needs and to avert the responses related to meals and food. It may also assist mothers to understand patients’ needs “here and now” an to build positive interactions without pressure related to eating behaviours. Patients’ psychological needs were related to phases of their inless. Besides of having various advantages this study is limited since it’s a newly developed OMQ structured interview and has limited number of subjects. Further research with larger sample size may be helpful for longitudinal investigation of the relationships and to evaluate the efficacy of information .

Http://, Ron Jonk-. "Anorexia Nervosa." University of Maryland Medical Center | Home. Web. 18 July 2011. <>

Depression and Anorexia go hand in hand !

Depression and eating disorders are correlated. Its not uncommon to find people with psychological disorders that co exist with their anorexia. Infact, psychological factors are one of the contributors that lead to eating disorders.  In certain cases, eating disorder is a secondary symptom to an underlying psychological disorder.  Some of the psychological disorders that co exist with anorexia include, OCD, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar 2, Panic disorders, personality disorder.  Certain people with eating disorder may also be exhibiting other addictive and self destructive behaviours which is a reaction to a low self - esteem and a negative means of coping with life and stress. It may include things from alcholism to cutting and self mutilation.  The low self esteem makes them feel that they deserve to be hurt and can also be used to block out emotional pain or to make them feel “strong”. These psychological disorders, when combined with eating disorders leave long lasting effects on the person suffering.  Its vital to recognize if depression is causing anorexia or anorexia is causing depression so that the treatment can be planned accordingly.


Http://, Ron Jonk-. "Anorexia Nervosa." University of Maryland Medical Center | Home. Web. 18 July 2011. <>.

Anorexia Nervosa | Anorexia Treatment | Program | The Something Fishy Website on Anorexia Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders | Anorexia | Bulimia | Binge Eating Disorder | Compulsive Overeating | The Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders. Web. 20 July 2011. <>.